You know who you are...bus riders.
Clouds of diesel fuel blow in your face...you don't care, you're a bus rider - you've had worse. Bring it on - you see your bus. Yes, the next one doesn't come for another 30 minutes, and you see it 4 traffic lanes away...but you're not going to miss this one, oh no - you're a bus rider. You risk your life dodging cars and trucks, paying no attention to horns and offensive fingers waving at you...just to catch it. You left your house smelling good - but one squat in a bus chair and you're smelling worse than your breath that morning. But that's okay...everyone else smells the same way. You become friends with the same 43 other people that take your route everyday...you notice each other but pretend that it's the first time you've seen each other on the bus. After awhile though, you know what outfit they'll be wearing - Mondays, the grey jacket...Friday, jeans and loafers. A green shirt! Someone went shopping this weekend! Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning - Jack, you call him. Yeah, you made up names for all of them too. There's the woman who looks like Celine Dion, and then the guy that looks like a loveable grandpa and one of these days you're just gonna go up for a big hug - hecht, Kenny Rogers even rides the bus! And that iPod you're listening to, the music seems to match the moments, as people come and go and the scenery changes. Oh the bus, how I never knew...
This goes out to you Andrew. BUSt...
we are team BUST!
- post my logo all over slovakia - we need to recruit more to team BUST.
love ya.
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