I feel like a chef. I'm sitting here writing this while I am cooking up a nice pot of lentil soup. It takes me back a bit - my mom used to make lentil soup and I have fond memories of it, so here's to you, lentil soup!
The fall breeze is coming in through the window and it is an incredibly gorgeous day outside. Makes me want to go hiking or walk along the beach. But for now, I will have to just imagine it until I can actually do these things. It's been a nice laid back Sunday. Went to church - the bus actually came this week :) Grabbed some joe with Jan and had a little stroll through the grocery store, came back here - cookin' up some grub and just taking it easy. Relfecting a bit, once again.
So, isn't life a little bit like lentil soup? I think so, so I will elaborate. Delicious. Lentil soup to me is delicious. But it's the ingredients that make it what it is. Just as what we put into our lives, make our lives what they are. People have different ways of making it though, just like people have different ways of living their lives. At the core of this recipe is the lentils though. It wouldn't be called lentil soup without the lentils, right? At the core of us, is God. We wouldn't be who we are without God being at our core. The thing is not everyone knows the name of this soup - they're tasting this soup and they think it's delicious, probably the best soup they've ever experienced but they don't even know that it's the lentils that make it SO good. "Taste and see that the Lord is good..." - Psalm 34:8 Far fetched? Maybe.
At church this morning, there were four monks. It was a really interesting service. They spoke on St. Francis and humbleness. Just for kicks, I thought I'd check out to see what 'ol Merriam had to say about humbleness:
1: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission
3 a: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : b: not costly or luxurious
thanks Merr.
These guys were talking about Jesus being the ultimate example of humility. Wouldn't that just be like Him? This all powerful God coming to relate to His creation that He's absolutely head-over-heels in love with, to come and live and love them. To come to love them and live among them in the humblest of conditions - to disregard social hierarchy and love regardless of how popular or unpopular they were, how sick or healthy they were, how bad of a reputation or good of a reputation they had, how much money or lack there of they had. To love on them no matter how much they had or didn't have to offer. And I ask myself am I humble...
I would say that this Jesus, I want Him in my life-soup. Sounds weird, but He's become my main ingredient, and my soup has never tasted better. What's in your soup?
1 comment:
you, i just love you.
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